Non-food legislation - MOU May 2024

Hazardous substances – Rules and regulations
EU: The EC has adopted guiding criteria for what would constitute ‘essential uses' of the most harmful chemicals. In March 2024, ECHA clarified the next steps for the proposal to restrict PFAS under REACH. In a recent article, the five national authorities that prepared the proposal explain how they are using the information from the consultation to update their assessment. According to a joint report (16.8 MB) by EEA and ECHA, the transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals is progressing in some areas, while in others, it is just beginning. More work is still needed to reduce the impact of harmful substances on human health and the environment. NL: Human exposure to chemicals is not measured in the Netherlands but estimated. As a result, the government has insufficient insight into this exposure and lacks data needed to monitor and improve policy. The Health Council therefore recommends setting up a structural measurement programme. Switzerland: SGS reports that in March 2024, Switzerland issued RO 2024/113 to add PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS-related compounds to the list of substances for elimination under the nation’s POP Convention. UK: The government has opened a consultation on plans to introduce an alternative transitional registration model (ATRm) for the transition from EU REACH to UK REACH. This would reduce the costs that the chemical industry would face. US: The FDA has published updates on its activities to better understand PFAS in the food supply. California: OEHHA has proposed a Proposition 65 ‘no significant risk level’ (NSRL) for titanium dioxide. Keller and Heckman reports that OEHHA has decided to withdraw the proposal to update the NSRL for Ethylene Oxide. Prop 65 is a right-to-know law that requires individuals to receive a clear and reasonable warning before being exposed to certain chemicals.

EU: Medical devices
In January, the EC proposed giving companies more time to apply the regulations for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR) to ensure that these devices are available to patients whenever they need them. In April, the EC reported that the EP has adopted this proposal.

Marking wooden packaging in Poland
Polish draft legislation amending the requirements to apply the mark referred to in ISPM-15 on wood packaging material has been sent to the EC.

Belgium: Standardised packaging for tobacco products
Recently, two Belgian draft orders were sent to the EC. 2024/0200/BE and 2024/0201/BE extend standardised packaging to all tobacco products, herbal smoking products and devices, as well as to all papers, filters and tubes.

Research on PFAS and micro/nanoplastics
A new UNSW-led study finds that much of our global water exceeds PFAS safe drinking limits. According to a WUR study, PFAS can lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
A JRC report (6.27 MB) reviews and evaluates the available published literature on methodologies used to measure micro and nanoplastic in the air as well as their sources and transport. UTS researchers have modelled what happens when people breathe in different kinds of plastic particles and where they end up.
