Report: Crowdfunding in the Netherlands 2015

12 January 2016

In 2015 a total of 128 million euros was gathered through crowdfunding. This is twice as much as in the previous year, when only 63 million euros were financed through crowdfunding. This is the conclusion of research by crowdfunding consultancy bureau Douw&Koren.
Over 3500 projects have been financed through crowdfunding in the past year. Of these projects 1208 were enterprises, 856 were creative projects, 1247 were social projects and 374 were consumer loans. Entrepreneurs on average gathered €90,000 per crowdfunding campaign, while creative projects gathered on average €11,000, and the campaigns for social projects gathered on average €4,700 (Press release Douw&Koren, 2 January 2016).
Click here for the press release of Douw&Koren (in Dutch).
Click here for more information on the NVC Innovation project Crowdfunding for Packaging Innovation.

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