NL NVWA: labels follow-on and toddler milk not correct

02 November 2015

The labels of follow-on and toddler milk often do not comply with the regulatory requirements, according to the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). Most violations concerned claims. Only claims that are listed in the European legislation are allowed to be placed on labels of infant, follow-on and toddler nutrition.
49 of the 66 products that were checked did not comply with the regulatory requirements. The violations do not concern the composition or quality, only the labelling and advertising. There are less problems with infant milk products; only 4 of the 26 products tested by the NVWA, were in violation (Levensmiddelenkrant, 14 October 2015).
Click here for the full news item (in Dutch).
Click here to download the NVWA Report ‘Handhaving flesvoeding voor zuigelingen en peuters’ (in Dutch, 332 kB).

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