Environment and sustainability – August 2024

02 September 2024

Plastic waste
The unedited version of the draft text (1.17 MB) of the UN plastic pollution treaty has been published. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has released a report (1.28 MB) on how small businesses can benefit from this treaty. By using satellites currently in orbit, JRC researchers have managed to acquire a view of the emissions and accumulation areas of marine litter. The HolyGrail 2.0 Initiative is participating in a new project aimed at testing the capability of Filigrade’s CurvCode watermarking technology to close the loop on HDPE milk bottles in the Netherlands. In a Leiden University study, almost 20% of the bacteria tested could degrade plastic. A study (summary, 697 kB) commissioned by Holland Bioplastics finds that PLA will fully hydrolyse in the presence of water.

Rules and regulations in the EU
On 28 June 2024, the Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR) was published in the OJ setting requirements for sustainable products, including a Digital Product Passport. RecyClass has published a new version of the Design for Recycling Guidelines for all plastic streams. While EU countries have been recycling more plastic waste, they also generate more of it according to statistics published by the EP. The EU industry associations for glass and steel have also published the latest recycling rates. The EC has opened an infringement procedure against all Member States for failing to meet waste collection and recycling targets. A Linneaus University thesis (724 kB) explores the challenges SMEs face in complying with packaging regulations. France: The government (in French) has announced that the ban on the use of non-recyclable styrenic polymers will be postponed from 2025 to 2030. Germany: The government (in German) is developing a National Circular Economy Strategy (in German). Hungary: As of 1 July, only beverages in returnable packaging are allowed to be sold, MOHU (in Hungarian) reports. NL all info is in Dutch unless stated otherwise: During a webinar (2.49 MB), Verpact shared the ranges of tariffs for 2025. A consultation on the CMP (successor of LAP) has been opened. NEN reports the publication of NTA 8515 for reusable plastic cups. KIDV (in English) has updated their beverage cartons fact sheet (in English). The monitoring report 2023 (272 kB) by Verpact shows a recycling and reuse rate of 88%. The collection rate for plastic beverage bottles increased from 68% in 2022 to 74% in 2023. ILT has imposed 5 charges under penalty on Verpact for failing to meet the 90% collection target for plastic bottles in 2022. The state secretary has answered questions on this. Verpact has published recent data (146 kB) on deposits. The monitoring (587 kB) of beverage packaging in litter in 2023 has been sent to the House. Norway: Miljødirektoratet (in Norwegian) has announced new regulations for waste separation and sorting.

Rules and regulations outside the EU
Canada: The government reports that as of 15 July, additional SUPs are banned in British Columbia. The government has launched a consultation on the new greenwashing provisions of the Competition Act that require companies to substantiate certain environmental claims. Jamaica: The government has given companies six months to deplete their stock of SUP food containers. UK: The government has stated that the DRS will be launched before October 2027 and has published estimates of the EPR fees. Scotland: The government has passed the Circular Economy Bill. The government has also opened a consultation on a charge for single-use cups. US: The government has released a new strategy (1 MB) to tackle plastic pollution. MIT research has found that a national DRS could make a dramatic difference in reducing plastic waste. A report (13.32 MB) by CIEL outlines the burdens that plastic pollution impose on state and municipal systems.

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