Inkless: Quality black-and-white prints without ink

17 November 2016

Printing without the need for ink? Inkless, a TU Delft spin-off company, has the technology to do this without sacrificing print quality. With the Inkless method the paper is carbonised. If you use a conventional method to do that, you quickly start burning through the paper because it is so thin. The print is also not permanent and not black enough. Inkless has much better control over the carbonisation process, as a result of which you can print less deeply and do not go through the paper.
The company is now ready for the next step and further upscaling. Printing text, images and graphics is possible on paper, labels and the surface of packaging (News Item TU Delft, 2 November 2016).
Click here for the news item.
Click here for more information about Inkless.
Click here for more information about the NVC Project Innovation in Packaging Print. You are welcome to join us for the next project meeting on 22 March 2017.

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