NVC debate shows way to common future of the different packaging materials
The best strategy in packaging, both for users and suppliers, is to focus on synergies in application, manufacturing and recycling of the different materials. Potential conflicts should be addressed and clarified as early as possible with a common future of the activity of packaging in mind. Packaging in this context is defined as the activity of temporarily integrating an external function and a product to enable the use of the product. This conclusion was drawn as a result of the NVC General Meeting of Members (GMM) on November 26th, 2015 where eighty international thought-leaders in packaging gathered to chart the future in packaging.
The NVC was founded in 1953, so this GMM was dedicated to the 62nd anniversary of the association which now counts more than 550 member companies. The meeting took place in the Continium Discovery Center Kerkrade, with its adjacent brand-new Cube Design Museum and amazing Columbus Globe Theater.
The members-only part of the meeting started at 2 PM and was only accessible for NVC members. The Open Meeting (starting at 4 PM) focused on the future synergies and possible conflicts between the different packaging materials. Where and when will these materials interact and how do we optimise the synergy in their future applications? How do we secure a responsible supply of safe packaging materials, taking all the future recycling and renewing technologies into account? These questions were addressed in the interactive programme which included a range of parallel sessions concluded by a plenary debate.
The plenary debate (photo: Lody van Berkel)
All participants and all other NVC members will receive the presentations and a link to the video-impression in January 2016.
Next year the NVC GMM will take place on Thursday November 24th 2016 in the Evoluon in Eindhoven (NL). This event will be combined with the festive award ceremony of the Packaging Innovation Contest De Gouden Noot 2016.