The new PPWR: facts, figures and future
NVC members meeting
Live Hybrid from the NVC Auditorium (Gouda)
Thursday 13 June 2024
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) has been in force in Europe since December 1994, and a new European Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) is in the pipeline. During the plenary meeting on 24 April 2024, the European Parliament approved the final provisional agreement (673 kB) on the PPWR. The text will now be revised by the lawyer-linguists. The final step is adoption by the newly elected EU Parliament and by the Council.
14.00 Welcome and introduction
History unpacked: the EU packaging and packaging waste legislation 1994-2024
Michael Nieuwesteeg, managing director NVC and project lead PUMA Project
14.30-15.15 All about the PPWR and its impact on EU business (retailers, packer-fillers, packaging suppliers)
Helen Crowe, manager Information Services NVC and Editor-in-chief NVC Members-only Environmental Regulations Guide MERGE
15.15-15.30 Comparing the EU PPWR with the USA legislation on sustainable packaging Todd Bukowski (partner at PTIS Global and co-host of the NVC USA-EU Workshop Packaging and Environment that was held 6 June 2024 in Cambridge Ma. USA)
16.00 Informal after-party for those physically present at the NVC Auditorium
17.00 Conclusion
The meeting starts at 2 PM CET and is Live Hybrid; you can join us in the NVC Auditorium at the NVC association office in Gouda or participate from any other location. There are no costs involved. Register here or contact the NVC association office at or phone +31-(0)182-512411.