Fighting food waste via better packaging at Anuga FoodTec 2018
The challenge
Two billion people suffer from obesity and 800 million people live on the edge of starvation. This is the reality in a world where huge amounts of edible food are wasted, either in the supply chain up to the consumer or at home by that same consumer after the purchase. Food packaging is the activity of temporarily integrating an external function and food to enable the consumption of the food. Based on the work done since 2011, NVC addresses the key challenges faced by consumers, retailers, the food industry and the packaging suppliers together before and during the Anuga FoodTec. How can we direct packaging innovation towards the limitation of food waste? Don’t hesitate to join us in one or more of the activities described below!
20-23 March 2018 ● Anuga FoodTec (Cologne, Germany)
NVC is partner in the field of food packaging with an NVC info-stand, Boulevard B033, and NVC crew all-days at the exhibition floor, focusing on fighting food waste in particular.
2 March 2018 ● Trend article on food waste in NVC Special 2018
The annual NVC Special is bilingual (English and Dutch) and 2,000 copies are distributed throughout Europe to decision-makers in packaging. One chapter in the 2018 edition is devoted to the fight against food waste through better packaging. The NVC Special is published 2 March 2018, so prior to the Anuga FoodTec and will be on display at the Anuga FoodTec NVC info-stand as well.
22 March 2018 ● Conference Fighting food waste together: how to open the potential of better packaging
This international conference will take place at the Anuga FoodTec exhibition Forum Resource Efficiency from 10-12AM. Click here for all information.
Contact the NVC association office if you like to join or register directly via the Anuga FoodTec website.
22 March 2018 ● the NVC Zero Food Waste Dinner
This unique event will take place in the acclaimed maiBeck restaurant from 7.00-10.30PM in the Cologne city centre in the vicinity to the Anuga FoodTec. Click here for all information and to register (only 50 seats available).
Don’t hesitate to contact the NVC association office at or phone +31-(0)182-512411.