Non-food legislation – February 2020

03 March 2020

France: anti-waste law includes selling medicines by the unit
On 30 January 2020, the French Parliament adopted (in French) the anti-waste law (loi anti-gaspillage). It includes selling medicines by the unit. You can find more information here (in French).

14th adaptation CLP Regulation published
The EC has published the 14th adaptation to technical progress to the CLP Regulation. The adaptation updates Annex VI with substances for which opinions on harmonised classification and labelling were adopted by the RAC in 2017.

ECHA adds 4 new SVHCs to Candidate List
ECHA has announced that it has added three new SVHCs to the Candidate List due to their toxicity to reproduction and a fourth due to a combination of other properties of concern.

Overview of legislation on chemicals in the US states
FPF reports that, the non-governmental organisation Safer States has published an article presenting a summary of current legislative efforts by U.S. state agencies to address chemicals. Overall, 26 states were found to have already introduced legislation to limit the use of PFAS, and 13 states are considering eliminating or lowering the use of PFAS in food packaging in 2020.

ECHA SCIP database ready for testing
ECHA has announced that companies can now start to test the SCIP database of products containing Candidate List SVHCs. Companies will need to submit information to it from 5 January 2021 onwards.

SVHCs and the circular economy
RIVM believes that the transition to a circular economy provides opportunities to deal with SVHCs safely, and to monitor their use. In a report (in Dutch, 1.18 MB), RIVM investigates what is needed to achieve this transition safely and recommends possible actions for the short and longer term.

PFAS and tooth decay
West Virginia University researchers found that higher concentrations of a particular PFAS correlated to greater rates of tooth decay in children. An article (abstract) about the research is published in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry.

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