Global high-barrier film market 2016–2021

23 January 2017

In a new report, Smithers Pira states that global high-barrier packaging film consumption was projected at 1.86 million tonnes in 2016 and is forecast to grow during 2016–2021 at an annual rate of 4.6% to 2.33 million tonnes. This growth is driven by new demands from consumer markets.
The report forecasts the materials market used to produce high-barrier packaging films to grow at an annual rate of 4.7% across 2016-2021 to reach a value of around $11.32 billion up from $9.0 billion in 2016. Market value growth is forecast to increase at a slightly higher rate than material consumption due to faster anticipated growth for higher cost films (News Item Smithers Pira, 12 January 2017).
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