Explore the top workforce trends by industry and country
As companies reimagine the future of work, they must bring an understanding of how the workforce is changing and be careful not to neglect the human operating system that powers their organizations. In pursuit of new technologies, it is easy to lose sight of how people connect and collaborate (and as importantly, when they want to disconnect), how teams co-create, what motivates different segments of the workforce, and how they experience a sense of well-being and purpose through work.
Mercer’s Global Talent Trends 2018 Study gathered input from 800 business executives, 1,800 HR professionals, and 5,000+ employees from 21 industries and 44 countries around the world (News Item Mercer 2018).
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Click here for more information about the 5th annual conference on HRM and skills development in packaging FBEP2019 (14 March 2019, Boston USA).
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