NO: Extending packaging EPR to finance marine litter cleanup

13 June 2016

The Norwegian Environment Agency (NEA) has outlined seven ideas it is considering to reduce marine litter, particularly plastic litter. Plastic items in general make up nearly 70% of marine litter with Styrofoam adding another 6.3 %, according to the NEA. Plastic bags and plastic bottles add another 1.2% and 1.0% each, respectively. One NEA recommendation is to extend current packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) requirements so that companies would help finance the cleanup on marine litter. Another recommendation is to implement a scheme to encourage fisherman to collect and recycle any debris they recover while at sea (Recycling Laws International, 10 June 2016).
Click here for the NEA letter with the recommendations (129 kB, in Norwegian).
With NVC MERGE (Members-only Environmental Regulations Guide) you can stay up-to-date with the environmental requirements for your packaging. MERGE is exclusively for NVC members and there are no costs involved.
Click here for more information about the NVC Inspiration meeting on the effectiveness of the Dutch policy on packaging and the environment (7 September 2016).

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact us:, +31-(0)182-512411. This item is also included in our monthly overview, the NVC Members-only Update.