NL: ‘Vinkje’ to be replaced by healthy choice app

27 October 2016

Minister Schippers (Health, Welfare and Sports) has decided to replace the healthy choice logo ‘Vinkje’ by a healthy choice app. The app should provide consumers with the right information about the composition and the nutritional value of products. The goal is to give objective and clear information to help people make a conscious choice. The app offers more opportunities than the logo. What is healthy for one person could be unhealthy for another, e.g. in the case of allergies.
Businesses that use the ‘Vinkje’ on their packs have 12 months to change their artwork. After this period, the ‘Vinkje’ is not allowed on packs anymore (News Item Government of the Netherlands, 19 October 2016).
Click here for the news item (in Dutch).

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