NL: Pollution of paper waste is still increasing

28 October 2014

In 2013 the pollution of paper waste in the Netherlands increased with 0.1% compared to 2012: from 4.14% to 4.24%. This means that in the 930,000 tonnes of paper waste that was collected from households in the Netherlands 39,000 tonnes was polluted.
Seals around paper, beverage cartons and paper waste in plastic bags are some of the main polluters. Across the board the moving average of pollution is slowly increasing: from 2.0% in 2001 to 3.6% in 2013. The Dutch organisation for paper recycling PRN (Papier Recycling Nederland) monitors the amount of pollution annually. You can find the most important results for 2013 in the factsheet that PRN recently published.
Click here for the factsheet (1.56 MB, in Dutch).

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