NL: Opening Bioprocess Pilot Facility in Delft

26 March 2015

The first pretreatment of woodchips has been started in the newly built pilot plant in the Bioprocess Pilot Facility (BPF) in Delft, NL. The BPF is an open access facility for scale up of sustainable production processes from lab scale to commercial scale. TU Delft is one of its founders.
The BPF has two new pilot scale up facilities, next to the existing fermentation and downstream processing facilities. One pilot section is designated to use biobased ingredients like wood, grass, straw and other lignocellulosic feedstock’s. The other is meant specifically for foodgrade ingredients, using BPF's experience in fermentation and downstream processing (News Item TU Delft, 19 March 2015).
Click here for the news item.
Click here for more information about the BPF.

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