NL: Final report Task Force Food Confidence
The Dutch Task Force Food Confidence was founded in March 2013 to prevent future incidents like the horse meat fraud. The goal of the task force was to set measures that would increase the trust and confidence of the consumer in food. On 29 January 2015 the task force finished its work and was disbanded.
In the final report the task force covers subjects like improving food integrity by using international quality systems like FSSC 22000, BRC or IFS. Also, the communication to the consumer should be improved with the help of the new labelling regulation, EU Regulation 1169/2011, that is in force since 14 December 2014 (Website Government of the Netherlands, 9 April 2015).
Click here for the letter to the House of Representatives about the final report (in Dutch, 56 kB).
Click here for the final report (in Dutch, 86 kB).
Click here for the action plan the final report refers to (in Dutch, 120 kB).
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