IATA provides 2014 changes to DGR
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has provided a summary of the main changes to its Dangerous Goods Regulations that will appear in the 55th edition, which comes into effect on January 1, 2014. Without the biennial amendment from ICAO to go by, the latest edition folds in corrigenda and addenda issued after the 54th edition went to print, and adds other changes adopted by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board. The main changes are fairly brief, running to two pages, but include some significant amendments to the provisions, not least for lithium batteries and radioactive materials. An appendix lists those amendments already agreed by ICAO to take effect in 2015, in order to give shippers and carriers advance notice of future changes (HCB Newsletter, 24 October 2013).
Click here for the original news item.
Click here to download the summary of changes from the IATA website (52 kB).
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