EUROPEN: Packaging and waste statistics 1998-2011 show yearly increase in packaging recycling rates in Europe

27 February 2014

EUROPEN’s new analysis of official EU data on the evolution of packaging waste rates (1998-2011) shows yearly increases in packaging recycling rates and a steady decline in packaging waste going to landfill.
By the end of 2011, 64% of packaging placed on the market in EU-27 was being recycled, largely exceeding the 55% minimum recycling target currently set by the packaging and packaging waste directive. In the older Member States (EU-15), 65% of the packaging placed on the market was recycled; 51% was recycled in the newer Member States (EU-12) 1, but the targets do not apply to these countries until 2012 or later (Press Release EUROPEN, 18 February 2014).
Click here for the press release.
Click here for the report (821 kB).

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