CA: Top 10 challenges for packaging materials recovery
The PAC Packaging Consortium, a Canadian-based industry organization, has published a white paper discussing what it considers to be the 10 greatest challenges for material recovery facilities (MRFs) in recycling waste packaging. The ten most challenging packaging materials are 1) multi-layer laminates, 2) compostable plastic, 3) black plastic containers, 4) full shrink-wrap labels, 5) hot beverage polycoated cups, 6) metallized tubes, 7) single-serve hot beverage pods, 8) colored opaque PET, 9) non-PET clamshells, and 10) cardboard trays with plastic film. The paper outlines what happens to the materials today, what is being done to address the issue, and the future outlook for the material.
Click here for the white paper (345 kB).
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