LC Packaging International BV

Address Otto Matseweg 9
Postcode / City 2742 JW WADDINXVEEN
Country The Netherlands
Phone +31-(0)180-393837
Fax +31-(0)180-393899

LC Packaging is a family business that has been active in the packaging industry for four generations. Current director Lucas Lammers' great grandfather started the company in 1923, when its sole activities were the purchase, sale and modification of jute bags. Our range of services has expanded considerably since then, but is still centred around the packaging industry: from an importer of packaging and packaging machines to a manufacturer and distributor with its own manufacturing facilities in Europe, Asia and Africa. We have gone from being a one-man business to a multinational with over a thousand employees and from having a ten thousand euro turnover in 1923 to a turnover of 150 million in 2013. The recurring theme through the years? The unwavering trust of our customers, manufacturing partners and colleagues.

Company corporate movie: