NVC supports SustAInable Packaging Summit Amsterdam 2024

12-13 November 2024
Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam

NVC Packaging Centre will be warmheartedly supporting the Sustainable Packaging Summit (organised by the eminent business publisher Packaging Europe), that takes place 12-13 November 2024 at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam.


Sustainability Awards ceremony and dinner (12 November)

We have enthusiastically participated in the judging process for the sustainable packaging awards 2024 and henceforth also will be attending the sustainability awards ceremony and dinner. This will be on the evening of Tuesday 12 November 2024; register here to join as well.

Opening up sustainability in packaging with (Generative) Artificial Intelligence (13 November)

We will present the most recent insights from different NVC projects addressing the application of (Generative) Articifical Intelligence in the packaging business world, with special emphasis on environmental sustainability and innovation. The lecture is part of the conference session “Digitization and AI” and starts Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 10.45 AM CET.