Annual Members Meeting 2015: Into the future of packaging materials

NVC was founded in 1953, so this AMM on November 26th will be dedicated to our 62nd anniversary. This year our host is the Continium Experience Centre Kerkrade, with its adjacent brandnew Cube Design Museum and amazing Columbus Earth Theatre. 

The members-only part of the meeting starts at 2 PM and is only accessible for NVC-members.
The Open Meeting starts at 4 PM and is focusing on The future of packaging materials. Where and when will these materials interact and how do we optimise the synergy in their future applications? How do we secure a responsible supply of safe packaging materials, taking all the future recycling and renewing technologies into account? These questions will be addressed in the interactive programme, providing insights in the main packaging materials and a range of interactive work-outs addressing their common future. Both parts of this event are free of charge.


Members-only Meeting


2.00 PM Welcome and registration
2.30 PM Opening of meeting
3.30 PM Short break and welcome other guests

Into the Future of Packaging Materials (Open meeting)

4.00 PM Welcome and Kick-off: ‘no borders, only interfaces'
Christel Geerts, chairman NVC Netherlands Packaging Centre
Hans Gubbels, managing director Continium Discovery Center
Marnix van Gurp, managing director Brightlands Materials Center

4.30 PM The different materials and their future synergies – parallel sessions
 Metal-based * Carbon-based renewables
Armin von Keitz, Tata Steel and Lisette van Lith, Corbion

Inks * Fiber-based
Matthieu Carni, Siegwerk Druckfarben and Matthias von Juterzenka, Brohl Wellpappe

Used materials * Polymers
Christine Leveque, Suez Benelux-Germany and Dieter Lindemann, SABIC Deutschland GmbH

5.30 PM The future is synergy – plenary session 

6.00 PM Get-together-drink

6.30 PM Exclusive guided tour and Walking Dinner
The Continium Discovery Center is not open to the general public during this evening. Participants of this GMM can experience a special visit to the globally unique Columbus Earth Theater, followed by a Walking Dinner on the top-floor of the Cube Design Museum. A contribution is asked for this, to cover the direct costs. Costs for NVC-members are €55,-. Non-members pay €105,-.  

We look forward to meeting you on November 26th. Come share your ideas; contact the NVC Association Office to provide input and/or obtain all details via phone +31-182-512411 or e-mail
